Catch the Wave!

Where Truth tellers meet, and coastal grace books are written and created

THE UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL is about a young widow named Jenna and her five-year-old daughter, Hannah, who moved to a little cottage on the beach of Florida to escape. On the weekends, Jenna would spend her afternoons lounging on the beach and visiting a nearby food truck, where she regularly ordered a glass of sweet tea and a gourmet burger. One evening, her cell phone rang. With a kind voice, the young man in the food truck asked if she would like to have lunch with him tomorrow and walk along the beach.

You can grab the cover of “The Unexpected Phone Call” in my branding boutique and let your truth be told through fiction or a non-fiction genre: Story (action) + Plot + Character + Setting = Genre.

Happy Truth Telling!

Once upon a time…

Below is an example of a front and back book cover from my Beach Boutique collection.

Where do you begin?

Go to my Branding Boutique and purchase your favorite book cover. My one-of-a-kind book cover templates are editable through Canva. After you purchase a book cover, you will download the file and click on the link. This will take you directly to Canva, where you will change the title, the author’s name, the description on the back, and the color palette. Once you have made your edits, download the PDF Print quality (best for printing) and upload your paperback cover file to Kindle Direct Publishing. If you have any questions, please email me – [email protected]

deisgner of grace & truth,
Love, Jude