Imagine the Setting where your story takes place

Writers are like chiefs who dish out interesting stories peppered with delicacies: the ingredients of emotions, drama, romance, action, and suspense. As a writer, if you have the right ingredients of ideas, you can serve a good, delectable story to your readers. I have found that what entices a reader is a good story with sensible subplots, memorable characters, engaging situations, a beachside setting, and a happy ending.

It is up to you, the writer, to prepare the story by keeping your favorite dish in mind as you prepare to write.

I have found that when I place an enticing beachside photo and a short-sentence story starter in front of me as I write, they keep me focused and allow my imagination to work in the direction and the setting of the story where I want my mind to go.

I hope this simple writing tip helps you as you think about the story that you are writing. All you need is to be in your favorite writing space with your favorite pen and paper or computer, good lighting, your favorite drink, a short-sentence story starter, and a beachside photo prompt, and then your imagination will follow.

Let your mind rest for about 15 minutes before you start, and imagine the setting where your story takes place. Soon, you will be in your right brain, ready to write. Relax, have fun, and prepare a delicious story out of a creative short sentence and a beachside photo prompt where the story takes place. Leave the rest to your imagination.

Happy storytelling,

xo Judy

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