Coastal Writing Prompts

Writing prompt sentences are a great way to open your imagination and tell a story that has possibilities, passion, and promises.

Writing prompt Sentences can help you beat writer’s block for Example:

  1. After I settled into my little cottage on the beach, I went for a walk and ran into an old friend.
  2. When I got back to my cottage on the beach, I turned on the radio. The deep voice that I heard caused me to stop and ponder, did I know him?
  3. The next morning, I opened my eyes, and my room was filled with beautiful tropical flowers.
  4. It sounded like piano music, and it was coming from my living room.
  5. Today, she would find out her entire life had been a lie.

This short list of story starter sentences is a simple way to start writing your book. Now it is time to develop an engaging plot for your story.

Get A Plot

The plot of the story is the true meat-it is what happens between the pages and keeps the readers hanging on and wanting more. If you don’t have a plot, you don’t have a story. It is that simple.

Write a story about a character that stretches her imagination and succeeds in ways she never dreamed possible.

Write a story about a character that quits her day job and buys a house on the beach to write a novel. While writing her novel, she finds true lasting love.

Write a story about a character that must decide whether or not to stay in the small town she grew up in or follow her heart and move across the country to take a new job.

I hope this gets your creative writing juices flowing.

Happy Writing


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